National Women's Health Week (NWHW) is a week-long health observance that begins on Mother's Day and is intended to raise awareness of the importance of women's health — and to remind women and girls, especially during the outbreak of COVID-19, to make their health a priority. Since the emergence of COVID-19 in 2020, many women have put preventative health screenings on hold. This is because they are often the caregivers of the family, be it children, spouses, parents, siblings, or other family members. Women often take care of others first and end up putting themselves last. This NWHW, Summit Medical Group encourages all women to make your health a priority, and to be an example to others by getting your annual wellness exam.
In addition to making an annual wellness visit to your healthcare provider, here are four additional areas that women can start making an immediate impact on improving their overall health and wellness.
Preventative Health
Did you know? Before the pandemic hit in early 2020, about 82% of women in Tennessee reported going to their doctor for an annual checkup within the previous year? Annual wellness exams are important for maintaining good health. Annual visits start conversations with your healthcare provider to help you understand your risks for certain diseases and detect any problems early.
What you can do... Call to schedule your yearly wellness visit. If you don't have a primary care provider, visit www.SummitMedical.com or call 800-289-9545 to find a physician near you.
Stress Reduction
Did you know? A majority of women are likely to say that they have at least one thing that causes stress in their everyday life? Stress can affect our bodies in so many different ways and can be the trigger for a host of medical issues.
What you can do... Taking a little time each day to do something that makes you happy can help you reduce stress. Self-care helps to reduce stress and it can look different for everyone. Find what helps to reduce your stress to keep you healthy and happy.
Healthy Eating/Nutrition
Did you know? Only 16% of women in Tennessee report eating at least one serving of vegetables and only 39% report eating at least one fruit per day.
What you can do... Cook meals with fresh ingredients whenever possible. Try to add one cup of veggies or focus on healthy protein as part of each meal. Healthy eating and good nutrition can improve your overall wellness, help you maintain a healthy weight, and may prevent other chronic diseases.
Healthy Weight
Did you know? About 30% of women in Tennessee are considered overweight. This number saw a significant increase during the pandemic shut-down, as many people were unable to make regular visits to the gym or maintain an active lifestyle.
What you can do... By simply going for a brief walk a couple of times a week, you can reduce your risk of heart disease and help you achieve a healthy weight.
All efforts should begin with a visit to your doctor. Yearly wellness exams are vital for maintaining good health. These visits start conversations with your healthcare provider to help you understand your risks for certain diseases and detect any problems early. Encourage the women in your life to get their annual wellness exams and be the example by getting yours as well.