Men: It's YOUR Week!

National Men's Health Week is June 10-16 (the week leading up to Father's Day), because what better way to celebrate dad than to encourage him to take care of his health? The week is all about healthy bodies, hard exercise, good diet, and regular visits to the doctor. It's part of National Men's Health Month, a month-long recognition of men's health with activities and events to remind men to take care of their bodies.

We all have fathers, brothers, sons, grandfathers, and friends that are men. Some of us are even men ourselves! We want the men in our life to be healthy, happy, and with us for a long time, and encouraging them to take care of themselves is a big part of that. Men's Health Week helps us talk to the men in our life about their health - which can be hard to do in today's world. Especially in America, many men are encouraged to be macho and invincible, and oftentimes that means they ignore symptoms and put off doctor appointments because "they're fine." It can also be hard to find time to do the things we love to do, but Men's Health Week is a good reminder that health is also about happiness. Take a hike, go on a walk, play a round of golf, read a book, take a nap. Do what relaxes you! It's all healthy.

But one of the best ways to celebrate Men's Health Week is to make that doctor's appointment you've been putting off. Do you have a mole you need looked at, or an elbow injury that keeps flaring up? Feel like your digestion has been off? Or maybe it's just time to schedule a screening. Summit Medical Group encourages all men to make an appointment with their primary care physician, discuss health concerns or age/condition-related screenings, and discuss diet and exercise routines that can improve health and protect against illness or disease. If you don't have a primary care physician, visit to find a doctor near you.

Use Men's Health Week as an excuse to make a call and get that appointment on the calendar!